Manage databases and tables

Create connection

To create a new MySql connection, click the Register Host button on SQL Manager window pane.

Define the required connection information:

  • Connection alias - input user name for connection (alias).

  • HOST/IP - specify the hostname or IP address of the MySql server.

  • Port - use this field to specify a port or service to connect through.

  • Database - enter database name (optionally).

  • User Name, Password - enter your connection credentials.

Manage databases

When the host registration is complete, you can manage your databases. Right click on Database label to open the context menu with following actions:

  • Disconnect - use to disconnect from the MySQL server.

  • Create table - choose to create a new table.

  • Register host - use to adding new MySQL server connection.

  • Register database - use to adding database connection.

  • New SQL file - create a new .sql file and open it in SQL editor.

  • Export - use to export all data and base structure using the custom wizard.

  • Delete - use to drop the selected table from the database.

Manage tables

Click on the Databases tab to open the Databases list in the left pane.

  • To view table data (structure), double click on the table or choose Open menu item from the right-click context menu.

  • New SQL file - create a new .sql file and open it in SQL Manager.

  • You can rename, delete the table using the right-click context menu: